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Patent course for Novo Nordisk Foundation grant recipients

12. november 2024 - 14. november 2024


As a recipient of a grant from the Novo Nordisk Foundation (NNF) in 2023, you are hereby invited to attend a special course on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), focusing primarily on patents. This educational event is a collaboration between the Novo Nordisk Foundation, the University of Copenhagen (UCPH) and Aarhus University (AU), designed to enhance your understanding and management of invention and patents within your research and development activities. Attendance is free of charge.

Why IPR and patents could be relevant to you

Sometimes research has the potential to develop into an industrial applicable product or process, and research results that are properly protected by IPR will be much more likely to attract investors, enabling you to develop and disseminate your research globally, benefiting both people and society.

What you will learn

You will gain critical insights into the world of patents, including:

  • Understanding the criteria for patent eligibility such as novelty, inventive step, and industrial applicability.
  • You will learn about the patenting process and key considerations in ensuring freedom to operate.
  • You will gain insights into the strategic importance of patents in protecting innovations and securing a competitive advantage.
  • You will receive tailored guidance on the patenting process specifically at UCPH/AU, helping you navigate the complexities of intellectual property in academic settings; e.g. who does what and what is your role.

Event Details:

Date: 12 November 2024 at NNF and 14 November at AU.

Time: There will be registration and breakfast from 9:00 AM. The course starts at 9:30 AM and concludes with a lunch buffet around 12:00 PM.

12 November:  Novo Nordisk Foundation, Tuborg Havnevej 19, 2900 Hellerup

14 November:  Aarhus University, Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies (AIAS), Høegh-Guldbergs Gade 6B, 8000 Århus C

Agenda: A detailed agenda will be sent out prior to the course.

This course is offered at no cost to you and your colleagues. We highly encourage you to invite all colleagues who are working on the same grant to join this informative session. All participants need to register due to catering.

Registration: Please register by 25 October to secure your spot. Click here to register

  • Tilmeldingsfrist
    28. oktober 2024
  • Hvem kan deltage