Apply for grants

Challenge Programme 2024

For the application round of 2024, the Challenge Programme sought to support outstanding research collaborations working within one of three selected themes. In total, DKK 359 million has been awarded for six grants of approximately DKK 60 million each.

Theme 1: Integrating safety and environmental sustainability impacts of bio-based solutions

The specific challenge of this theme is to develop reliable, validated tools, methodologies, standards, and approaches that increase knowledge about how to quantitatively measure, predict, and integrate human health and/or environmental safety risks and environmental sustainability effects of bio-based solutions.

­­For more information about the grant recipients within this theme, please read about the projects in our overview of grant recipients.

Theme 2: Disentangling insulin resistance

The specific challenge of this theme is to improve the understanding of the mechanisms and molecules regulating insulin sensitivity and the development of insulin resistance with a stratified human-centric point of departure, in order to develop candidate therapies targeting insulin resistance. 

­­For more information about the grant recipients within this theme, please read about the projects in our overview of grant recipients.

Theme 3: Novel or emerging technologies for sustainable and continuous energy supply

The specific challenge of this theme is to advance fundamental knowledge and develop novel or emerging technologies for sustainable and continuous energy supply that complement intermittent energy supply forms, thereby contributing to a decarbonised and secure energy system in the future.

­­For more information about the grant recipients within this theme, please read about the projects in our overview of grant recipients.

For further information on the themes, please read our press release: Challenge Programme 2024 themes.

For the press release announcing the awards, please see here.