Electronic invoicing information
When you send your invoices to us electronically, please state the following information:
1. Supplier e-mail
- OIOXML: Invoice/SellerParty/OrderContact/E-Mail
- OIOUBL: Invoice/AccountingSupplierParty/Party/Contact/ElectronicMail
2. Order number (If you haven’t received an order number, please leave this field blank)
- OIOXML: Invoice/ReferencedOrder/BuyersOrderID
- OIOUBL: Invoice/OrderReference/ID
3.Personal reference at Novo Nordisk Foundation (initials 2-4 letters, e.g. MLQW)
- OIOXML: Invoice/BuyerParty/BuyerContact/ID
- OIOUBL: Invoice/AccountingCustomerParty/Contact/ID
To further clarify the product description the fields “Faktura note” or ”Linie beskrivelse” can be used.
Varelinjebeskrivelse OIOXML: Invoice.InvoiceLine.Item.Description
Varelinjebeskrivelse OIOUBL: Invoice.InvoiceLine.Item.Description
Note OIOXML: Invoice.Note
Note OIOUBL: Invoice.Note
If you cannot send the invoice electronically, you must send it as a PDF to [email protected] containing the above information.