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DKK 158 million for research infrastructure to boost Danish life science communities

The Novo Nordisk Foundation has awarded 11 new grants through its Research Infrastructure Programme.

Scientific progress relies heavily on access to high-quality research infrastructure.

The Novo Nordisk Foundation is therefore awarding 11 new grants for the establishment of world-class research infrastructure supporting innovative research at Danish research institutions. The grants will fund both advanced equipment and the highly skilled technical personnel to ensure that the infrastructure can provide high-quality results.

This year’s awarded projects are highly interdisciplinary and include a hybrid preclinical PET/MRI imaging facility, a seed genebank for plant genetic resources and a crystallography service that will facilitate the efficient development of new drugs and sustainable materials.

All 11 facilities will provide open access for academia and industry, thereby benefitting larger research communities. Thus, the facilities will be platforms for new knowledge and collaboration.

“By awarding these grants, we aim to enable the creation of state-of-the-art technology hubs. These hubs will provide new knowledge to advance our understanding of important basic research questions and help to develop innovative technical solutions,” says Lene Oddershede, Senior Vice President, Natural and Technical Sciences, Novo Nordisk Foundation.

The 11 grant recipients are:

  • David Gloriam, University of Copenhagen, Online Research Infrastructure for Receptor Function and Drug Design, DKK 12,000,000
  • Sine Hadrup, Technical University of Denmark, Infrastructure for a Flow Cytometry and Imaging Core (FLIC) Facility at DTU Health Tech, DKK 24,220,123
  • Knud Jørgen Jensen, University of Copenhagen, Peptide Foundry, DKK 8,539,618
  • Lennard Krause, Aarhus University, Kick-start the Scandinavian Crystallography Service, DKK 9,325,732
  • Jeppe Vang Lauritsen, Aarhus University, Research Infrastructure for X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy in Near-ambient Pressure Conditions, DKK 17,768,237
  • Michael Lisby, University of Copenhagen, Analytical Live Cell Imaging at the Center for Advanced Bioimaging (ALI-CAB), DKK 15,502,210
  • Michael Lyngkjær, Nordic Genetic Resource Center (NordGen), Next Generation Genebanking – Unlocking the Potential of Plant Genetic Resources in the Sequencing Era, DKK 14,980,446
  • Sisse Ostrowski, Rigshospitalet, An Open Core Facility and Multi-omics Data Science Platform Promoting Disease-wide Precision Medicine, DKK 13,716,546
  • Michael Palner, University of Southern Denmark, Simultaneous PET and High-field MRI Preclinical Imaging, DKK 16,527,000
  • Erik Richter, University of Copenhagen, Rodent Phenotyping Infrastructure, DKK 14,808,097
  • Francesca Serra, University of Southern Denmark, BioFab: Bioprinting and Microfabrication in Odense, DKK 10,806,015

Further information

For press-related inquiries:

Sabina Askholm Larsen
Senior Communications Partner
+45 2367 3226 [email protected]

For questions related to grants:

Ulla Gro Nielsen
Senior Scientific Lead
+45 2224 5230 [email protected]