The Novo Nordisk Foundation has awarded DKK 732,000 over 3 years (2018–2020) to support the activities of the student-driven organization Synapse – Life Science Connect.
The organization’s mission is to bridge the gap between academia and life science companies through networking activities in which both students and representatives from the business community participate. The activities are wide ranging – from evening meetings to summer schools, international seminars , workshops, a long-term mentor programme, an online newsletter and a printed magazine.
The Foundation’s grant will fund the development of the organization and its activities.
“On behalf of Synapse – Life Science Connect, we are honoured to receive this grant. This will allow us to focus more fully on the organization’s ultimate goal, which is to facilitate a more fluid transition from student to young professional. A special thanks goes to former Chairman Jacob Steglich-Andersen as well as current and former volunteers at Synapse – Life Science Connect,” says Marcus Arnt Kæregaard Jørgensen, Chairman, Synapse – Life Science Connect.
In 2017, the Foundation awarded a 1-year grant of DKK 260,000 to the organization.
The organization was founded in 2014 and has expanded its activities substantially since then. In 2017, more than 2400 people from universities and the like all over Denmark participated in activities arranged by the organization.
Further information
Synapse: Marcus Arnt Kæregaard Jørgensen, Chairman, phone: +45 2374 5120, [email protected]
Christian Mostrup Scheel, Senior Press Officer, phone: +45 3067 4805, [email protected]