Aff Hjarnø drives the development of science teaching at Store Heddinge School. She involves her colleagues in projects and has significantly contributed to ensuring that the school has a close-knit team of science teachers who work based on shared goals and a plan that draws on their individual strengths to benefit all students at the school. Among her many activities, Aff Hjarnø has led the school’s science profile and has contributed many contacts from outside the school. This has allowed her to attract resources to Store Heddinge School. Aff Hjarnø has also been the project manager and the driving force behind the Naturlig-vis (Naturally) continuing education course in the natural sciences in the municipalities of Køge, Faxe and Stevns.
Jens Valdemar Madsen is the pivotal scientific force at Randers Realskole and works on a broad portfolio of projects. Among others, he has driven the building of a comprehensive workshop collection with numerous subject boxes and guidelines shared with all his colleagues. He has also led an initiative on science camps for children and adolescents in collaboration with several other schools and now also preschool nurseries in the Randers area. In addition to his school activities, Jens Valdemar Madsen and his colleagues in Science Camp Randers collaborate with other institutions and companies and have therefore been able to establish many relationships to benefit students in all grades.
In recognition of their exceptional efforts, Aff Hjarnø and Jens Valdemar Madsen have been awarded the 2017 Novo Nordisk Foundation Science Teacher Prize. Two Prizes are awarded annually, and each is accompanied by DKK 250,000.
Aff Hjarnø says: “It is simply amazing to be recognized like this. Being a science teacher, especially at this time in the development of science teaching, is both exciting and challenging. It has therefore been fantastic to be able to roll out ideas and visions together with my colleagues both at my school and across all of Denmark. The Prize will enable us to develop a natural science sensory and working area for students with special needs and for students who need a free space during a long school day.”
Jens Valdemar Madsen says: “This is a tremendous honour, and I am extremely happy to have won this Prize. Recognition of this sort is never achieved alone. I therefore want to express my heartfelt thanks to my collaborative partners: colleagues, institutions, companies and a school principal who always sees opportunities. Together we have achieved results and developed exciting science programmes for students in all grades in school and after school in Randers.”
The Novo Nordisk Foundation Science Teacher Prize recognizes and publicizes extraordinary efforts in science teaching at primary and lower-secondary schools in Denmark. The Prize is awarded to a teacher based on the nomination of their principal.
“Aff Hjarnø’s teaching is inspiring and motivating. She is a leading spirit and instigator in science and can create motivation to learn and obtain backing for projects and teaching among students, colleagues and management. Aff is blessed with tremendous knowledge, competencies and experience and continually sees development opportunities within the natural sciences that benefit the student learning process from which we benefit in the school and in the municipality,” says Thomas Duelund Gravsen, Principal of Store Heddinge School, who nominated Aff Hjarnø.
Hans Myhrmann, Principal of Randers Realskole, says: “Jens Valdemar Madsen’s pioneering science policy and development work over more than a quarter of a century has contributed to putting science teaching both in the Municipality of Randers and across the region in the super league – which has pleased many young people by heightening their interest and maintaining their motivation in this important subject.”
The Novo Nordisk Foundation Science Teacher Prize recognizes and publicizes extraordinary efforts in science teaching at primary and lower-secondary schools in Denmark. Two Prizes are awarded annually to teachers in primary and lower-secondary schools: one in eastern Denmark and one in western Denmark.
Each Prize is accompanied by DKK 250,000, divided into a personal award of DKK 50,000 and DKK 200,000 for the school. The award given to the school is to be used for developing science teaching, such as acquiring new teaching materials or upgrading classrooms or equipment for science teaching.
The Prize is awarded to a primary and lower-secondary schoolteacher. The students, parents, colleagues and principals at the teacher’s school may all make suggestions, but the principal of the teacher’s school must make the nomination. Based on the nominations received, a committee under the auspices of the National Centre for Learning in Science, Technology and Health in Denmark (Astra) and the Novo Nordisk Foundation selects the Prize winners.
Aff Hjarnø, [email protected], +45 2446 8407
Jens Valdemar Madsen, [email protected], +45 2253 5392
Christian Mostrup Scheel, Press Officer, [email protected], +45 3067 4805