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Steno Collaborative Grants Awarded for the First Time

The Novo Nordisk Foundation has awarded nearly DKK 42 million for collaborative research between Steno Diabetes Center Copenhagen and external research environments.

The Novo Nordisk Foundation has awarded the first grants for nine research projects under the Steno Collaborative Grants research programme.

The Steno Collaborative Grants aim to strengthen the collaboration between research environments at the Steno Diabetes Centers and those outside the Centers. The Foundation has therefore emphasized the degree of collaboration between Steno Diabetes Center Copenhagen and other research institutions in awarding the grants.

“We want to use the Steno Collaborative Grants to create strong synergy between the Steno Diabetes Centers and other research institutions. Close and strong collaboration is important because we want to disseminate knowledge and exchange experience across research institutions,” says Niels-Henrik von Holstein-Rathlou, Head of Research and Innovation Grants, Novo Nordisk Foundation.

The Foundation is awarding nearly DKK 42 million for the nine projects.
Grant recipient: Filip Knop, Professor
Institution: Gentofte Hospital
Project title: GUT-DERIVED GLUCAGON – anatomical and cellular origin, and physiological, pathophysiological and pharmacological implications in humans
Collaboration partners: Steno Diabetes Center Copenhagen; Gubra ApS; University of Copenhagen; Flinders University, South Australia
Grant amount in DKK: 3,000,000

Grant recipient: Bo Feldt-Rasmussen, Professor
Institution: Rigshospitalet
Project title: Prevalence and metabolic impact of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in diabetic patients with normal renal function, chronic kidney disease and the effect of kidney transplantation on these parameters
Collaboration partners: Steno Diabetes Center Copenhagen, Gentofte Hospital
Grant amount in DKK: 2,868,600

Grant recipient: Caroline Kistorp, Associate Professor
Institution: Herlev Hospital
Project title: Effect of SGLT-2 inhibitor on myocardial perfusion, function and metabolism in type 2 diabetes at high cardiovascular risk: The SIMPLe randomized clinical trial
Collaboration partners: Steno Diabetes Center Copenhagen, Rigshospitalet, Herlev Hospital
Grant amount in DKK: 1,998,100

Grant recipient: Marit Eika Jørgensen, Professor
Institution: Steno Diabetes Center Copenhagen
Project title: Dietary and exercise modification of p.Arg684Ter variant in the TBC1D4 gene on glucose homeostasis in Greenland Inuit
Collaboration partners: University of Copenhagen
Grant amount in DKK: 7,725,928

Grant recipient: Tina Vilsbøll, Consultant
Institution: Steno Diabetes Center Copenhagen
Project title: Diabetes, glycaemia and cardiovascular disease
Collaboration partners: Gentofte Hospital, Hillerød Hospital
Grant amount in DKK: 3,000,000

Grant recipient: Kristine Færch
Institution: Steno Diabetes Center Copenhagen
Project title: Effect of time-restricted feeding on behaviour and metabolism in overweight individuals at high risk of type 2 diabetes
Collaboration partners: University of Copenhagen, Aalborg University, Salk Institute for Biological Studies, California, Leeds University and iMotions A/S
Grant amount in DKK: 8,943,534

Grant recipient: Heidi Storgaard, Consultant
Institution: Gentofte Hospital
Project title: Stratified care in type 2 diabetes (StratDiab) – targeted treatment of diabetic patients carrying rare mutations in GCK, HNF1A and ABCC8
Collaboration partners: Steno Diabetes Center Copenhagen, Bispebjerg Hospital, University of Copenhagen
Grant amount in DKK: 4,022,000

Grant recipient: Jennifer Baker, Associate Professor
Institution: Bispebjerg Hospital
Project title: Type 2 diabetes and multimorbidity: risk assessment based on body size development from birth through adult life
Collaboration partners: Steno Diabetes Center Copenhagen
Grant amount in DKK: 5,414,850

Grant recipient: Ulrik Pedersen-Bjergaard, Professor
Institution: Hillerød Hospital
Project title: Metabolic adaptation to high-frequent hypoglycaemia in type 1 diabetes – the HYPOAdapt study
Collaboration partners: Steno Diabetes Center Copenhagen, Hvidovre Hospital
Grant amount in DKK: 4,227,350


Christian Mostrup Scheel, Senior Press Officer, Novo Nordisk Foundation, phone: +45 3067 4805, [email protected]