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The Foundation Awards Dkk 120 Million to Research Leaders at All Stages of Their Careers

A new Foundation programme supports the ongoing development of top researchers by ensuring a stable financial framework for them.

The Novo Nordisk Foundation has awarded 12 grants of DKK 10 million each to talented and creative research leaders at different stages of their careers at universities in Copenhagen and Aarhus.

The purpose of the grants is to ensure that the best research leaders have the opportunity to pursue ambitious and meaningful projects.

The grants are the first in the Foundation’s new Research Leader Programme established in 2017. The Programme focuses on basic research within biomedical and bioscience research and comprises three different types of grants:

  • Hallas-Møller Emerging Investigator – targeting young promising research leaders for establishing their own research group and profile;
  • Hallas-Møller Ascending Investigator – targeting young to middle-aged principal investigators for consolidating their research groups; and
  • Distinguished Investigator – targeting professors of the highest international calibre.

The following people have received grants in each category.


Agnete Kirkeby, University of Copenhagen
Morten Salling Olesen, University of Copenhagen
Peter Refsing Andersen, Aarhus University
Nicholas Taylor, University of Copenhagen



Xu Peng, University of Copenhagen
Ditlev Egeskov Brodersen, Aarhus University
Jacob Fog Bentzon, Aarhus University
David E. Gloriam, University of Copenhagen



Søren Riis Paludan, Aarhus University
Anders H. Lund, University of Copenhagen
Mikkel Heide Schierup, Aarhus University
Niels Mailand, University of Copenhagen

Niels-Henrik von Holstein-Rathlou, Head of Research and Innovation Grants, Novo Nordisk Foundation, says, “With the new Research Leader Programme, the Foundation wants to ensure that research leaders who excel at various stages of their careers have the opportunity to pursue ambitious and relevant projects with the help of a targeted and long-term grant that can ensure the focus, continuity and stability of their research.”

The Foundation allocated DKK 600 million in 2017 to establish the new Programme and will award up to DKK 120 million each year in up to 12 five-year grants of up to DKK 10 million.


Christian Mostrup Scheel, Senior Press Officer, Novo Nordisk Foundation,
phone: +45 3067 4805, [email protected]