Apply for grants

Novo Nordisk Foundation Prize for Lower-secondary School Science Teachers


The Novo Nordisk Foundation annually awards a total of DKK 500,000 for the distribution of two Science Teacher Prizes.

Application Information

The deadline for submission of nominations is November 22, 2024, at 12:00 PM.

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Candidates for the award can be nominated by the country’s primary school principals and school boards.

The recipients of the award will be selected by Komite for Novo Nordisk Fondens Undervisningspriser and will be contacted directly during February 2025.


Sofie Hoxer
Grant Specialist

Inspirational teaching

The Prize is aimed at committed and talented teachers of physics and chemistry, biology, geography and mathematics in Denmark.

The purpose of the Prize is to recognize and publicize extraordinary efforts in stimulating the interest of children and young people in science in grades 7–9 in primary and lower-secondary schools.

The Prize is awarded annually and is divided into two prizes: one for eastern Denmark and one for western Denmark. Each prize is DKK 250,000, divided into a personal award of DKK 50,000 and DKK 200,000 for the school. The award given to the school is to be used for developing science teaching, such as acquiring new equipment for experiments, upgrading classrooms, excursions or continuing education.

The Prize is awarded to a lower-secondary schoolteacher based on the nomination of the principal or school board. Students, parents and colleagues may all suggest a candidate to the principal or school board, who makes the nomination using the link under the application information. One or more teachers and teams of up to three teachers may be nominated. If the Prize is awarded to a team, each team members will receive DKK 25,000. Candidates who have not previously received the prize may be re-nominated, but teachers from the same school are not eligible to receive the Prize in the 4 years after a Prize is awarded to that school.

The Committee on The Novo Nordisk Foundation Teaching Prizes selects the successful nominees for the Prize.

The Prize is awarded at the Big Bang Conference in March 2024. The Prize Recipient is asked to take part in a panel debate with the recipients of the Foundation’s other prizes for: primary science teachers; upper-secondary science teachers; teachers of early-childhood educators and science teachers at university colleges.

See other Prizes awarded by the Novo Nordisk Foundations.

See previous recipients

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November 17th, 2020