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Krible Krable – getting the youngest children interested in nature

The Danish Rangers’ Association project, Krible Krable, aims to provide children in daycare institutions and schools with improved opportunities to get outside and explore nature for themselves.

Project data

Grant amount
DKK 31.5 million
Project website

The vision of the project is to inspire children, whether they live in the city or in the countryside, to investigate and explore their local natural environment and its inhabitants through exciting activities, inquisitiveness, play, and learning.

Krible Krable targets children from 0 to 8 years and is being developed in cities, towns, and villages throughout Denmark. It is a popular initiative that builds on a project supported by the Nordea Foundation until 2018. Children are familiar with Krible Krable from the Ramasjang channel of the Danish Broadcasting Corporation (DR Ramasjang), which broadcasts Krible Krable TV throughout May every year. They also know about it from the micro-researcher competition for children in grades 0 to 3.

Early-childhood educators and teachers can receive Krible Krable teaching materials free of charge to take children on discoveries in nature and work with the micro-research method. The materials for assisting the exploration and research can include nets, insect sucker traps, sorting trays, and magnifying glasses, but the materials may also be inspirational, enabling children to keep statistics on the number of woodlice collected or to give them ideas on designing their own trap.

Although primarily for children, Krible Krable also aims to motivate and equip early-childhood educators and teachers to initiate Krible Krable activities, courses, and projects on their own.

The Krible Krable universe has been developed in a collaboration between the Danish Rangers’ Association and DR Ramasjang.

The Novo Nordisk Foundation granted DKK 17.2 million for the project over four years from 2019 to 2022. A further DKK 14.3 million was granted in 2024 for the period 2024-2028.


Photographer: Martin Rivero