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Coronavirus initiatives

Novo Nordisk Foundation

Millions for COVID-19 initiatives in low- and middle-income countries

The Novo Nordisk Foundation awarded DKK 14.4 million for 15 international initiatives that can mitigate the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic in countries such as Sudan, Colombia, and Myanmar.

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Novo Nordisk Foundation

COVID-19 test centres in Denmark

The Novo Nordisk Foundation awarded up to DKK 250 million to Statens Serum Institut (SSI) in connection with the establishment of Testcenter Danmark, a national COVID-19 test centre.

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Novo Nordisk Foundation

Emergency production of ethanol

The Novo Nordisk Foundation and the Carlsberg Foundation donated a total of DKK 17.5 million to establish a consortium comprising the Danish state, Carlsberg, Ørsted and Ree Holding, which will ensure emergency production of ethanol for disinfectants during the COVID-19 crisis.

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Novo Nordisk Foundation

New antibody tests

Two recently developed and highly sensitive antibody tests can make a major contribution to monitoring the transmission of COVID-19 during the pandemic and the development of antibodies at the individual level and in society as a whole. The tests have been developed from scratch in close collaboration between Rigshospitalet, the University of Copenhagen and Novo Nordisk A/S, with support from the Carlsberg Foundation and the Novo Nordisk Foundation.

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Novo Nordisk Foundation

Grants awarded for emergency COVID-19 projects

The Novo Nordisk Foundation has awarded a total of DKK 82.5 million for 45 projects that aim to mitigate the short-term health-related effects of the COVID-19 epidemic across the Danish Realm.

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Novo Nordisk Foundation

Novo Nordisk Foundation supports COVID-19 projects in Jordan and Tanzania

The Foundation is supporting four ambitious projects that, among other things, focus on ensuring the supply of water and mitigating the risk of transmission.

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