Apply for grants

Nursing Research Programme

Call opens
5 December 2023
Call closes
27 February 2024 2:00pm (CET)
Announcement of results
July 2024
Recurring calls
Expected end of December 2024
Application guidelines


The Novo Nordisk Foundation’s Nursing Research Programme aims to provide nurses with research leadership experience an opportunity to apply for major research projects that are valuable in a broad research and clinical context.

About the grants


One grant of up to DKK 7.5 mio.



Career stage

Clinicians & Nurses, Research Leaders (Mid-career/Associate Prof.)

Research area focus

Nursing Research


Komite for Sygeplejeforskning


For grant inquiries
Joanna Steinhauer
Grant Specialist
[email protected]
Rikke Vibeke Nielsen
Senior Scientific Manager
[email protected]


Main applicant

The main applicant must be a registered nurse, have documented research experience, have qualifications equalling to senior researcher or associate professor level, and have experience in research leadership and scientific supervision. Main applicants must be affiliated and present at a Danish university, university college, hospital or other non-profit research institution at which the research project must be anchored.


There may be up to four co-applicants from the nursing profession and from other professional fields who will scientifically contribute to the project and who will have a financial share in the grant. The applicant is strongly encouraged to include relevant co-applicants in the project.
Co-applicants must have formal research competence (PhD or the equivalent) and must have documented research activity. Co-applicants must also be affiliated with a Danish university, hospital or other non-profit research institution.

Research field

The Nursing Research Programme targets nursing research on the development of new methods within disease prevention, health promotion, treatments, rehabilitation and palliative care. It also includes research on nursing aspects of management and organisation of the health care system with the overall purpose of improving patient care and nursing practice.


A total of up to DKK 7.5 million is available for one 5-year research project that can be awarded with approximately DKK 1,5 million per year for a total budget of up to DKK 7,5 million and a minimum of DKK 7 million.

Application process

The application must be completed and submitted using NNF’s online application and grant management system, NORMA, which can be accessed from:
Further information on how to access and navigate in NORMA can be found in chapter 2.
The grant may not be used to cover ’overhead’ (i.e. rent, electricity, water, maintenance etc.)

When all applications have been assessed, applicants will be notified about whether or not they have been awarded a grant. The notification e-mail will be sent from [email protected] to the e-mail address entered on initial registration.



Grant listings

All the projects we have funded are listed here. You can customise your search by grant year and category and use free text search.

Managing a grant

Read more about how to manage a grant and what general information you need as a grant holder.