The research activities applied for must take place at a university, hospital or other non-profit research institution in Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway or Sweden.
Principal investigators are eligible to apply, i.e. experienced independent researchers who have already established their own research field and demonstrated the ability to conduct original research at a high international level, or researchers that are in the process of establishing themselves as independent researchers.
Applications from Master students, PhD students and postdocs will not be taken into consideration.
A total of DKK 80 million, of which DKK 10 million is earmarked for ‘Mechanisms of appetite regulation,’ is available for the funding of: 1-, 2- and 3-year project grants within the frame of DKK 300.000 – 1 million per budget year.
The total amount applied for must be within the frame of DKK 300.000 and DKK 3 million. Please note that applications outside this budget frame will not be considered.
The application must describe a clearly defined research project with an appropriate budget.
Hormone regulation in women’s health
In this application round there will be a special emphasis on research projects related to understanding the complexities and the regulation of hormones that are crucial to influence different aspects of women’s health, both at the molecular, cellular and physiological level. DKK 10 million is earmarked for projects up to DKK 3 million. For more details see the application guidelines.
Application process
The application must be completed and submitted using the Foundation’s electronic application system. Before initiating the application process, it is important to carefully read the “Information and guidelines for applicants”, accessed via ‘How to apply’ above. Additional essential information on the call and application process is found in these guidelines.