Apply for grants


Grant Reporting

Questions: [email protected]

The Novo Nordisk Foundation is obligated to demonstrate the value and impact of research and other activities supported through the Foundation and to ensure that the Foundation awards the grants in a way that ensures the optimal benefit for the research community and society in general. The Foundation monitors activities and results through a digital reporting system. The reporting systems used are Researchfish® and FoundGood. You can find more information on how to use the reporting systems below.

The Foundation greatly appreciates your help in improving the Foundation’s support of research that contributes to improving people’s health and the sustainability of society and the planet.


The following deadlines apply for grants that are to report in Researchfish®. The next deadline for Open competition grants is the 15th of January 2024 and for grants awarded as standalone grants the deadline will be stated in your grant agreement.

For grants that are to report in Foundgood the next deadline for grants awarded under Open Competition is the 31st of January 2024 and for grants awarded as standalone grants the deadline will be stated in your grant agreement.


How to use the Foundation’s reporting system - ResearchFish®

How to use the Foundation’s reporting system – ResearchFish®

“My Portfolio” is where you can store your data relating to the section headings on the left side when viewing the screen in Researchfish®.
Reporting data on activities and results to the Foundation requires associating or attributing them to the relevant grant that contributed either wholly or partly to realizing the activities and results. Entering data on activities and results here does not attribute it to any specific grant or grants.

To enter and manage your data, please follow these steps:

  • Click on a section heading on the left side of the screen.
  • Click on the “Add New Entry” button.
  • Fill in the relevant date.

To attribute data to a specific grant or multiple grants, follow these steps:

  • Select an output or multiple outputs by clicking the checkbox to the right of the output or select all by clicking the checkbox above the outputs.
  • Click and hold the drag-and-drop icon and drag the selection to the grant organization title to which you want to attribute your output.

You may enter data at any time. However, the Foundation requests that you submit your data periodically

The submission deadline is mid-January for most grants. Any agreements that need to be submitted in the upcoming period are visible on the opening page of “My Awards”. These may be submitted from the submission menu when you are ready.

Introduction to using Researchfish® - Webinar

Introduction to using Researchfish® -Webinar

In this presentation you will find information regarding:

  • why grantees have to report on their grant related activities to the Novo Nordisk Fonden
  • what the data is used for, and
  • an introduction on how to use Researchfish® as a reporting system.

December 2023 webinar slides: RF Webinar Dec 2023

December 2023 webinar recording:

For more detailed explanations on how to use Researchfish®, please browse the sections below.

Guidance to the question set

Guidance to the question set

All funders using the Researchfish® reporting system have agreed on a question set. The question set is available throughout Researchfish®.

Moreover, the Foundation has added additional questions to the question set which are uniquely constructed by the foundation, in order to capture additional information which Researchfish does not traditionally ask.

The foundation has constructed a guide which captures all elements of the reporting, it can be accessed here: Reporting Protocol



1. Research outputs


1a. Publications

What should I report in ”Publications”?

All publications where the grant ID and NNF is acknowledged should be listed. Furthermore, there can be cases of publications with no acknowledgement to the NNF that are still to be reported, e.g. review articles or articles where the NNF grant has funded your work on a publication you have co-authored.

Remember that conference proceedings/papers are defined as publications and should be reported in this section. However, if you are invited as a keynote speaker for a conference, please register it under “Awards & Recognition”.

A publication can include the following types of documents:
• Journal articles/review articles
• Books – including book series and contribution of book chapters
• Conference proceeding/conference paper
• Technical reports and technical standards
• Consultancy report
• Manuals/guides
• Policy briefing report
• Theses
• Working papers
• Other relevant documents

You will need to include DOI when available.


1b. Research tools & methods

What should I report in ”Research tools & methods”?

Record details of any new research tools or methods which you attribute to your grant from NNF and which have been created or commissioned by you or your team. The research tools or methods should make a significant difference to your research (or that of others).

NNF understands research tools and methods as:
• New tools and methods that can be used in research labs and are specifically developed by your research team. For instance, a new animal model or a new antibody, new method to characterise protein interactions or new measuring methods.

Please only report on novel methods, where there has been a significant innovation. Thus, small, incremental adjustments of existing methods should not be reported. If a new tool or method you wish to record embodies new intellectual property covered by e.g. a patent application or a granted patent, then please ensure you also report that patent/application in the “Intellectual Property” section.

Tell us about:
• Tangible new tools or methods generated by your research team (including e.g. a novel technique, a research questionnaire or observation form, a transgenic animal model).

If appropriate, update your commentary on the impact of outcomes previously reported in this section.

Do not tell us about tools or methods which:
• Were not generated/commissioned by your research team.
• Were obtained from other sources including collaborators.
• Would be routinely generated in any properly equipped laboratory or research environment.
• Should remain confidential


1c. Research Datasets, Databases & Models

What should I report in ”Research Datasets, Databases & Models”?

Record details of any new research datasets, databases and models which are making, or have the potential to make, a significant difference to your research (or that of others) and which you attribute to your grant from NNF.

NNF defines research datasets, databases, and (data)models as:
• A structured collection of data that’s searchable and available to be used in research. It could be a dataset of gene sequences or protein structures or combinations hereof.
• Specifically, computer models (algorithms), NOT animal/tissue models.

NNF asks you to enter the datasets, databases & models that you find note-worthy– i.e., the most significant ones that you believe can have a big impact on your research and/or the research community. For datasets, a DOI is highly recommended in order to add the entry. Thus, we encourage you to ensure that your datasets get a DOI.

If appropriate, update your commentary on the impact of outcomes previously reported in this section.

Tell us about:
• Datasets, databases and models that are also part of a reported publication.
• Datasets, databases and collections of samples/specimens that have been created as part of your work.
• Novel data analysis methods or techniques that your work has significantly influenced.
• Data handling and control systems that have applications outside of the original research area or technology (e.g. data matching, monitoring, modelling, grid infrastructure).

Do not tell us about:
• Datasets, databases/models not generated by your team.
• Datasets, databases/models obtained from other sources including collaborators.


1d. Software & Technical Products

What should I report in ”Software & Technical Products”?

Record details of software and other technical products (such as new materials/devices/technologies) which you attribute to your grant from NNF. Remember that NNF may publish information submitted to Researchfish®, so it is important that you only disclose details that can be made public, and which are either fully protected or require no such protection. Please consult with your local technology transfer office about whether any details can be disclosed publicly.

New protected intellectual property should also be reported in the Intellectual Property section.

Tell us about:
• Details of any software or technologies that have been developed either for the first time or to a significant new stage.
• Advances which have made new lines of enquiry possible, or which have significantly accelerated research progress.
• Software and technical products that are fully protected and/or public.
• Development of technical devices and software with a user interface. For instance, software like an app to use a specific database or an interface for a microscope use, or a web server.
• New developments, like software going from a 1.0 to a 2.0 version. Going from a version 1.0.0-1.0.1 is not seen as “significant”. See for details.

If appropriate, update your commentary on the impact of outcomes previously reported in this section.

Do not tell us about:
Details about software or technical products that should remain confidential.
Data analysis methods/techniques (use the “Research Databases & Models” section).


1e. Medical Products, Interventions & Clinical Trials

What should I report in ”Medical Products, Interventions & Clinical Trials”?

Record details about medical products/interventions (whether developed or in development) and any related clinical trials which you attribute to your grant from NNF. If you need help in selecting the appropriate types or stages of product development, refer to the guidance sheets accessible here and here.

If you are reporting a clinical trial, NNF is interested in knowing, the clinical trial ID and the clinical phase the trial is currently in. Please include information about the phase stage in the open sub-question “Briefly describe the medical product or intervention, its current or most recent stage of development and the current or most recent main source of funding for this development.” It is especially important for us to know about Phase 1 clinical trials, so please use this wording (“Phase 1”) if the clinical trial in question is in Phase 1.

Products which are still under development can also be reported here. Thus, we are not only interested in hearing about products already introduced on the market.

Tell us about:
• Drugs and vaccines.
• Diagnostic tests, biomarkers and diagnostic imaging techniques.
• Medical devices.
• Surgical interventions.
• Public health interventions.
• Any other products that are or are likely to be marketed/distributed to a wider audience.
• Veterinary products and interventions.
• Clinical trials linked to any of the above.
• Changes to the status and/or impacts of products and interventions previously reported.

Do not tell us about:
• Products or interventions that have not been made public or cannot be disclosed prior to protection of intellectual property.


2. Collaborations and funding


2a. Collaborations & partnerships

What should I report in “Collaborations & partnerships”?

Record information about any collaborations and partnerships which you attribute to your grant from NNF. NNF is only interested in knowing about formalised collaborations or partnerships. A collaboration or partnership can be formalised by a mutual agreement or contractual basis (not necessarily a legally signed document). I.e., only list collaborations and partnerships which are already up and running. Also, do NOT list your general network. Report collaborations or partnerships which are either a result of the grant or where the grant has changed the character of the collaboration or strengthened it.

Please describe which of the outcomes/outputs reported in the other sections of Researchfish® that can be related to a given collaboration or partnership. If specific publications have come out of the collaboration and partnership, remember to further register these under publications.

If any of the collaborations or partnerships recorded also include additional funding for your research, please remember to also list these under “Further Funding” and add your share of the grant under the financial contribution of the collaboration/partnership. This is not considered double reporting, as the financial value of further funding and collaborations & partnerships is not aggregated. Regarding the size of financial contributions or in-kind contributions made by the collaborations or partnerships, please remember that if your funding is received by a consortium, you should only report your share.

Remember to update the status of previously reported collaborations or partnerships (e.g. any that are no longer active).

Tell us about:
• Bi-lateral or multi-lateral partnerships that have resulted from or are directly linked to your grant.
• Participation (by you or a member of your research team) as a result of the grant in a network, consortium, multi-centre study or other initiative.

Do not tell us about:
• Potential collaboration or partnerships.
• Collaboration or partnerships at an early stage with no tangible output as yet.
• Details of collaboration or partnership that are restricted by contractual confidentiality.
• Successful funding applications (these should be reported in the Further Funding section).


2b. Further Funding

What should I report in “Further Funding”?

Record details of additional funding to advance your research which you attribute directly to your grant from NNF.

NNF is interested in whether you have received further funding, e.g. initial co-funding, additional funding or funding that extends the project period beyond NNF funding. I.e., in this section only register funding with a known grant reference. Funding that does not have a grant reference should be reported under “Collaborations & Partnerships”. And finally think of further funding as funding that has arisen from your original grant. Do not submit the value of the grant you’re reporting on.

Tell us about:
• Funding from any organisation.
• Funding awarded to you/your research team.
• Your share of funding received by a consortium of which you are a member.
• Scholarships, studentships and fellowships awarded to you or a member of your research team.
• Travel grants.

Do not tell us about:
• Financial contributions from collaborating partners (please record these in the collaborations section).
• Funding received by you or a member of your research team as a sub-contractor.


2c. Use of facilities & resources

What should I report in “Use of facilities & resources”?

NNF is interested to know if you (or a member of your research team) made use of any shared national or international research facility or service to identify the outputs you are reporting for your grant.

Tell us about:
• Your use of national or international services/facilities/centres such as:
• High-performance computing
• High-energy beamlines
• High throughput sequencing hubs
• Proteomics services
• Bio/tissue/DNA banks
• Solid-state NMR
• Carbon-dating facilities
• Computational chemistry software

• Your use of shared resources such as:
• Discipline-specific collections, archives and datasets, e.g. longitudinal cohort studies, climate records, patient cohorts, National Chemicals Database
• Other archived datasets

Do not tell us about:
• Research collaborations/partnerships (report these in the section called “Collaborations & Partnerships”)
• Research materials that you have shared with others (report these in the appropriate sections of Researchfish®)


3. Commercial activities


3a. Invention Disclosure & Ownership

What should I report in “Invention Disclosure & Ownership”?
Record details of reporting on inventions and the ownership of this invention which you attribute to your grant from NNF. Remember that NNF may publish information submitted to Researchfish®, so it is important that you only disclose details that can be made public, and which are either fully protected or require no such protection. Consult with your local technology transfer office if you are unsure whether any details can be disclosed publicly.

Tell us about:
• Whether you have disclosed inventions to your institution.
• If the ownership of the invention has been transferred to the institution

Do not tell us about:
• Patents and patent applications, whether published, granted or allowed to lapse.
• Discoveries that have been licensed to others as well as changes to the status of intellectual property previously reported. These are to be reported in the section “Intellectual Property & Licensing”.
• Any details of discoveries or inventions that should remain confidential.


3b. Intellectual Property & Licensing

What should I report in “Intellectual Property & Licensing”?

Record details of intellectual property which you attribute to your grant from NNF; this includes intellectual property embodied in outputs recorded in other sections (such as ‘Research Tools & Methods’). Remember that NNF may publish information submitted to Researchfish®, so it is important that you only disclose details that can be made public and are either fully protected or require no such protection.

Please make sure to use a valid Patent Number or Application Number.

Tell us about:
• Patents and patent applications, whether published, granted or allowed to lapse.
• Discoveries that have been licensed to others.
• Changes to the status of intellectual property previously reported.

If appropriate, update your commentary on the impact of outcomes previously reported in this section.

Do not tell us about:
• Patent applications filed, but not yet published.
• Spin-out companies (report these in the “Spinouts” section).
• Any details of discoveries that should remain confidential (consult with your local technology transfer office if you are unsure whether any details can be disclosed publicly).


3c. Spin Outs

What should I report in “Spin Outs”?

Record the establishment, development or growth of new private sector organisations, including for profit and not-for-profit organisations, which you attribute to your grant from NNF. Please remember to consult with your local technology transfer office about whether any details can be disclosed publicly.

Furthermore, NNF is interested to know which institution the given company has spun out from, i.e., the origin of the company/the parent organisation. Please register this under the sub-question “Briefly describe the company”.

Tell us about:
• New private sector organisations (whether for profit or not-for-profit) established in part as a result of your research (e.g., spinouts, start-ups, or private sector social enterprises).
• New or recently formed private sector organisations (whether for profit or not-for-profit), where your research has contributed significantly to the organisation’s development or growth (e.g. significant shifts in strategy or business model, impact on turnover).
• Changes in the status and/or impact of private sector organisations previously reported (e.g., if they have expanded, merged, been ac-quired or dissolved).

Do not tell us about:
• Details that are restricted under contractual confidentiality. If you are not the sole owner of the company, you may wish to contact your local administration for guidance on what information is confidential and should not be provided.
• Interactions with established private sector organisations that are not covered by the guidance above. Please report these within the ‘Collaborations and Partnerships’ section.
• New charitable, community or voluntary organisations that have been established as a result of your research. Please report these within the ‘Other Outputs and Knowledge’ section.


4. Activities aimed at the communication and policies


4a. Influence on policy, practise & the public

What should I report in “Influence on policy, practise & the public”?

Record details of any significant influence on policy, practice, patients and the public which you attribute to your grant from NNF.

Tell us about influence:
• At local, regional, national or international level.
• On systematic reviews, guidelines and policy documents (e.g. in regard to recommendations).
• Through membership of, or provision of advice to, a government/independent advisory committee or review.

If appropriate, update your commentary on the impact of outcomes previously reported in this section.

Do not tell us about:
• Training developments for undergraduate courses.


4b. Engagement Activities

What should I report in “Engagement activities”?

Record details of any activities in which you (or your team) have engaged directly with users of your research, special interest groups or the general public, to inform them about the research supported by your grant from NNF. NNF is especially interested in knowing about outreach for a non-peer audience.

Conference activity targeted research peers is not to be registered here but either under ‘Publications’ or ‘Awards & Recognitions’ – the only exception is conference activity for a non-peer audience.

Tell us about:
• Activities supported or undertaken by you or a member of your research team, e.g. public talks, workshops, events, press releases, media interviews, newsletters, magazines, websites, blogs, social media channels, or TV/radio/film/podcasts.
• Recurring activities (but only report them once).

If appropriate, update your commentary on the impact of previously reported engagement activities.

Do not tell us about:
• Engagements which do not relate to research supported by a grant listed on your ‘My Awards’ screen.
• Attendance by you or a member of your research team at academic conferences.


4c. Artistic & creative products

What should I report in “Artistic & creative products”?

Record details of any significant artistic and creative output (in any format, e.g. physical, digital, analogue) which you attribute to your grant from NNF.

Tell us about:
• Artefacts
• Artworks
• Audio Recordings
• Compositions and Scores
• Creative writing/performances/films
• Exhibitions

If appropriate, update your commentary on the impact of outcomes previously reported in this section.

Do not tell us about:
• Books, software or websites (report these in other sections of Researchfish® as appropriate).


4d. Other outputs/outcomes

What should I report in “Other outputs/outcomes”?

Record information about any research outcome which you attribute to your grant from NNF, and which cannot appropriately be included in any of the other sections of Researchfish®.

Before you enter any data in this section, please check that it doesn’t belong in one of the specific outcome sections (e.g. “Publications”, “Further funding”, etc.). Use this map of all the outcome types and sub-type headings within each to check (outcomes map). If an outcome that should be recorded in one of the specific outcome sections is entered here instead, it is likely to be missed by NNF.

Do not record details of any outcome already reported in another section.

NNF kindly reminds you that a thesis/PhD, working papers and conference papers are all to be submitted under “Publications”, and NOT under “Other Outputs/Outcomes”


5. Research team, education and related activities


5a. Education & professional training

What should I report in “Education & professional training”?

Tell us about:
• Students you have supervised.
• Courses you or a member of your research team have taught.
• Courses you or a member of your research team have been responsible for organising or have co-organised, including courses held at other institutions.

Don’t tell us about:
• Courses you have undertaken as a participant.
• Courses not organised or supported by you or a member of your research team.
• Engagement and outreach activities.
• Courses not related to the funding of this grant.


5b. Research team-information

What should I report in “Research team-information”?

Use this section to record information about your research team. We are interested in knowing how many research individuals are supported by grants from NNF.

Please provide a list of names, positions and contact data on people employed by your grant from NNF. This is the only section where you are asked to provide positions, names and e-mail addresses. Note that this is fully compliant with current GDPR regulations, once you have obtained the individual team members’ consent to you providing this information to the Novo Nordisk Foundation.

Data on research-team members will not be published or shared with any third parties.


5c. Next Destination

What should I report in “Next Destination”?

It is important for funders and other stakeholders to understand more about how their activities are supporting capacity building and contributing to the workforce as a whole. Therefore, this section aims to capture information on the general mobility of individuals once the funding being reported against has ceased (or sooner, if there are any team members who may leave before then). Please note that this includes the grant recipient or principal investigator of the funding being reported against.

PhD students can be reported under the subcategory “Research fellow”.

For grants that are still active, tell us about:
• Any individuals who have left your team, if their salaries and/or research were wholly or partly funded by the grant being reported on.

For grants that have ended, tell us about:
• All individuals supported from the funding being reported against, including the principal investigator, any students, research assistants etc.(the PI should choose ‘research project leader’ as their role when they were supported by the funding).

In every case, tell us as far as possible about everyone’s next ‘established’ destination, rather than very short temporary positions or periods of unemployment between roles.


5d. Awards & Recognition

What should I report in “Awards & recognition”?

Record details of awards and other significant forms of regional, national or international-level recognition received by you or members of your research team and which you attribute to your grant from NNF.

Tell us about:
• Significant awards, honors, appointments or other forms of recognition.
• Awards or appointments made at a regional level or above.
• Invitations to conferences where you or a member of your team were individually named as a speaker or keynote speaker.
• Research prizes or medals awarded to you or a member of your team.
• Membership or fellowship of learned society.
• Appointments to the editorial board of a journal or book series.

Do not tell us about:
• Generic invitations to conferences.
• Awards or appointments made below regional level (e.g. within your university).
• Career progression (e.g. pay, promotion).


6. Summary and reflections


6a. Project summary and reflections

What should I report in “Project summary and reflections”?

Summarise the activities and results the project has generated in the past year. If the project has ended, reflect on the results you have achieved. Please support your reporting with quantitative results and short anecdotal accounts.

Tell us about:
• The purpose of the project.
• The progress you have made toward achieving the goals.
• The most important results.

For more information about the reporting requirements, please see the section of your grant agreement on reporting.

The information in this section should not replace the reported data in the other questions in Researchfish® but may serve as a supplement to the other sections


Frequently asked questions


• “Where in Researchfish® should I report information about conference activity?”

• “As a researcher, my most important success criteria is ’publications’. Is this the same for NNF?”

• “My grant from NNF finished a long time ago – why is NNF still asking me to submit a report in Researchfish®?”

• “My research is not biomedical and Researchfish® seems to be targeted at this type of research. If I am not able to make entries on several outcome types, will this make my research look bad?”

• “How do I delete an entry?”

• “Should I report outcomes that are part of an already reported publication, e.g.,
a dataset?”

• “How do I decide if a research output, outcome or impact should be attributed to my grant from NNF?”

• “Who will have access to the information I have reported in Researchfish®?”

1. “Where in Researchfish should I report information about conference activity?”

Different types of conference activity should be reported under different outcome types:

• Keynote speaker: Should be reported under “Awards & Recognitions”.

• Personal invitation as a named speaker at a conference: Should be reported under “Awards & Recognitions”.

• Talks or presentations at conferences not given as keynote address or personal invitation: Should only be reported in cases where the talk or presentation builds on a publication, or where you have made a conference proceeding or paper for the conference. In this case, it should be reported under “Publications”. If you are invited to give a talk but there is no published abstract or conference proceedings, it should not be reported in Researchfish®. This also include poster presentations, which should not be reported.

• Conference attendance: Should not be reported in Researchfish®.

• Talks or presentations at a conference for a non-peer audience: Should be reported under “Engagement activities”.

2. “As a researcher, my most important success criteria is ’publications’. Is this the same for NNF?”

It is important for NNF to stress that all outcomes and output types are equally important for us. Thus, the NNF does not make a distinction between the value of different outcome types, and we sincerely hope that you will take your time to add all the outcomes and outputs of your grant instead of e.g. only your publications.

If you find it overwhelming to add all the relevant outcomes, please remember that Researchfish® allows you to add entries throughout the year. It is advisable to make a habit of adding outputs, outcomes and impacts throughout the year as they appear rather than just before the deadline of the Researchfish® submission period. Furthermore, Researchfish® allows you to assign someone to enter data on your behalf to make the reporting more efficient.

3. “My grant from NNF finished a long time ago – why is NNF still asking me to submit a report in Researchfish?”

The NNF recognises that the results of a grant can materialise long after the grant has ended. Therefore, we contact you for 3-5 years after the grant has ended, depending on the duration of the grant.

In some cases, a natural endpoint may be reached where no further results are likely to materialize. If you consider that this may be the case, then please contact us for further discussion [email protected].

4. “My research is not biomedical and Researchfish seems to be targeted at this type of research. If I am not able to make entries on several outcome types, will this make my research look bad?”

The NNF is aware that a small number of submitted entries is not necessarily equal to having performed poorly in grants. And furthermore, we are aware that there are grants that do not fit the standard format of Researchfish®.

5. “How do I delete an entry?”

If you wish to delete an entry, there are several options:

1. If you wish to delete an entry completely: Go to the page “Personal Portfolio” and find the specific entry. Under “In personal portfolio”, slide the button “Yes” to “No”. If the entry is not assigned to any grant, this will send the entry into the recycle bin.

2. If you wish to delete an entry from a specific grant: Under the specific grant, find the entry you wish to remove. Under “In this award”, slide the button “Yes” to “No”. If you wish to delete the entry completely, you also need to slide the button “Yes” to “No” under “In personal portfolio”, so that the button is set to “No” in both places.

6. “Should I report outcomes that are part of an already reported publication, e.g., a dataset?”

Yes. It is not possible for the NNF to see whether a publication also contains other outcomes or outputs. Therefore, it is important that you remember to also report other results that are contained in a publication in the relevant sections, e.g., in “Research datasets, databases & models” or “Research Tools & Methods”.

This is not considered double reporting but allows us to gain insights into the full range of the effects that our grants have.

7. “How do I decide if a research output, outcome or impact should be attributed to my grant from NNF?”

We understand that research outputs, outcomes and impacts may be connected to more than one grant from NNF and potentially to those of other funders. We are interested in understanding if you think your grant from NNF has contributed to some form of impact, and how and with what effect. For example, if you have produced a briefing document that refers to findings from your NNF-funded research alongside other related research, we would like to hear about it, just as we would like to hear about publications that are directly linked to the research, such as journal articles reporting findings from your grant activities.

As a rule of thumb: If you are in doubt as to whether an output, outcome or impact should be ascribed to a grant, the answer is probably no.

8. “Who will have access to the information I have reported in Researchfish?”

In general, your Researchfish® report is not accessible to the general public. Identifiable information will be seen and used by the NNF Impact Department and scientific officers in the Foundation.

The Foundation uses reported data to enhance and strengthen evidence and accountability. Furthermore, the Foundation uses these data to support strategic decision-making and to evaluate progress and impact, e.g., in its annual Impact Report. Hence, some of the information will be shared in the public domain, but only as aggregated data.

Your reported data can be handed over to third parties, either for processing on behalf of the Foundation or to researchers for research purposes. Personal data will be processed in accordance with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Danish Act on Data Protection and Personal Data. Please read more at our website.



Principles of use for data submitted to the Foundation's reporting system

Principles of use for data submitted to the Foundation’s reporting system

All researchers funded by the Foundation are required to provide an annual update on the research activities and results deriving from their Foundation-funded research. The Foundation uses these data to enhance and strengthen evidence and accountability. Further, the Foundation uses these data to support strategic decision-making and to evaluate progress and impact.

The principles of use relate to the research funded by the Foundation and outline what types of data are collected. In addition, the principles of use provide information on how the Foundation will use the data.

By agreeing to these principles of use and by submitting data into Researchfish®, you have explicitly consented to your data being processed by the Foundation and stored in the reporting system and the Foundation’s associated internal systemsMoreover, by submitting data, you formally confirm that the currently attributed activities and results represent a full and up-to-date record for the grant.

You are required to submit data

“Grantees (principle investigators) funded by the Foundation are required to have an account in Researchfish® and to use it to provide these updates annually during the grant periods and usually for 3-5 years after the project has ended.

Grantees can add team members to their project in Researchfish, to assist with the reporting. When adding a team member to your project, they will be required to create a Researchfish account. Researchfish has 2 support roles.

  1. A delegate is a person to impersonate you and add / attribute outcomes to awards on your behalf
  2. A collaborator is a person who does research of their own.

Please note that adding delegates/collaborators to your project in Researchfish, is separate from the “Research-team information” question in the reporting. Here you are required to report everyone who is funded by the grant, unless otherwise agreed with the foundation.

The Foundation may require an update to a grant outside the annual submission period to consolidate specific evaluations. The Foundation will notify researchers of these requirements.

The Foundation is aware that the recipients of relatively recent Foundation grants may not have any activity and results to report in the first annual submission.”


All researchers funded by the Foundation are required to provide an annual update on the research activities and results deriving from their Foundation-funded research.

If the annual update is not submitted, the Foundation may apply the following sanctions.

  • The researcher may be unable to apply (either as a principal investigator or as a co-investigator) for further grants from the Foundation.
  • If the grant is still active further payments for the grant may be withheld.

What data are collected?

The Foundation uses the Researchfish® to collect data on activities and results. This includes both quantitative and qualitative information such as publications, collaborations, influence on policy, databases and models.

Researchfish® present a question set (under guidance to the question set section), and the Foundation has added additional questions. Moreover, guidance on completing the questions is available throughout.

You are advised to ensure that you do not disclose data that is commercially sensitive or personal or that might be considered confidential or defamatory.

What do we do with the data?

Information provided to the Foundation may be used:

  • to strengthen accountability for research funding decisions;
  • to make the case for funding in research;
  • to inform strategic decision-making;
  • to inform the public on research results and other outcomes;
  • to evaluate progress and effects; and
  • to improve the understanding and interest in research.

To support these aims, the information you provide may be used, in whole or in part, to support analyses and evaluation, case studies, data sets and publications. Please be aware that the activities and results, including the text you submit to the Foundation via Researchfish®, may be quoted, in full or in part.

By submitting data to the Foundation you consent to this use, publication and dissemination of activities and results.

The Foundation analyses the submitted activities and results for its annual report on the societal impact of the Foundation’s grants as well as for other external and internal Foundation reports.

Data concerning your grant or grants collected through the Foundation’s reporting system may also be returned to the research organizations holding Foundation-funded grants to which you have allocated these activities and results. Contact your local administrator for guidance on how your organization will use this information.

Data might be handed over to third parties either for processing of data on behalf of the Foundation or to researchers for research purpose. Personal data will be processed in accordance with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Danish Act on Data Protection and Personal Data.

In addition, some of the information you provide is published on the Foundation’s website to ensure that the outcomes of Foundation-funded research are accessible to the research community, companies, policy-makers and the public.

The Foundation’s website provides data on Foundation-funded grants, including:

  • the names of the investigators and research organizations;
  • the project title;
  • the total value of the grant(s); and
  • the output and outcome of Foundation grants.

The website is publicly available.

It is vital that researchers return information to us on the activities and results from their Foundation-funded projects so that the Foundation can understand the impact of the research in the longer term, demonstrating the contribution to society and the economy. In turn, this will facilitate strategic decision-making and future investment. Systematically collected data on research activities and results provide a strong evidence base to support the continued funding of research.

Personal data

The Researchfish® reporting system holds information about grants that is extracted from the Foundation’s research management systems. This includes a limited selection of personal data: name, e-mail and the name of the research organization holding the grant (which may be your employer). This information is managed in accordance with the General Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the principles of the Danish Act on Data Protection and used with the data on research activities and results you enter into the reporting system:

  • to operate the reporting system, including notifying you of changes to the system, system downtime and deadlines for submitting information on activities and results;
  • to report to employers and research organizations on progress in gathering data on activities and results; and
  • to manage the Foundation’s policy on compliance and sanctions.

Researchfish® enables you to update your e-mail contact details only for the purposes of interacting with the reporting system. You can request changes in any other details displayed in the system by contacting the Foundation. If you want to change the e-mail address the Foundation currently uses to contact you, you must update your details by contacting the Foundation.

Data about research activities and results you enter into “My Portfolio” in Researchfish® is accessible only to you and anyone you identify through the delegate or team member function. The Foundation can only access these data when you (or your delegate or team member) have allocated the activities and results to a grant or grants for which you are responsible for reporting, and the data are only made available to research organizations when you have formally submitted them.

Researchfish® provides guidance on completing the questions throughout the reporting system. Since the data you submit to the Foundation via Researchfish® may be published, you should avoid specifically identifying individuals involved in the work unless this information is already in the public domain (such as the names of co-authors listed on publications) or if you have specific consent from the researchers to send their positions, names and e-mail addresses to the Foundation. The positions, names and e-mail addresses of team members will not be published. You are also advised to ensure that you do not disclose data that are commercially sensitive, that might be considered confidential in some other way or is defamatory. The Foundation will not be held responsible for any such disclosure or the effects of this.

Please be aware that the Foundation has added comments regarding the use of names in Researchfish® to the “Next destination” and ”Spin-outs”. These are available in the guidence to the question set section.

Privacy Policy

Please find the Novo Nordisk Foundation’s policies on privacy:

Principles of use for data submitted to the Foundation's reporting system ORCID® iD and CPR number

Principles of use for data submitted to the Foundation’s reporting system ORCID® iD and CPR number

Researchers who receive a grant from the Foundation are asked for their consent to register and use their ORCHID® iD and CPR number by completing a consent declaration.

Regarding the Foundation’s processing of personal data, researchers have:

  • the right to request access to the data processed about them;
  • the right to object to their information being processed; and
  • the right to require rectification, erasure or blocking of data that are inaccurate or misleading or violate the law.


The Foundation collects ORCID® iD from grant recipients ( The purpose of an ORCID® iD is the ability to identify the scientific work of the individual researchers in bibliometric databases. Researchers could have the same name or may change names during their career and spelling may vary between languages.

If you register your ORCID® iD with Researchfish®, this will enable you to add publications from your portfolio to your ORCID® record similarly to how publications are attributed to grants. They will then appear in your ORCID® record. You can also use the publications search to fetch publications from your ORCID® record and add them to your portfolio in Researchfish®.

Danish civil registration (CPR) number

Researchers residing in Denmark have a Danish civil registration (CPR) number. The Foundation collects CPR numbers for analysing the Foundation’s grants and uses anonymized data from Statistics Denmark to analyse how the Foundation’s grants affect socioeconomic indicators such as employment and education.

An example of such an analysis could be Analyses of Three Danish Innovation Programmes published in 2013, in which the Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation uses such personal data as CPR numbers to analyse the impact of selected innovation programmes. The Foundation produces similar analyses of the Foundation’s funding programmes and instruments.

Declaration of Consent
Standard for good research practice

Standard for good research practice

The Foundation wants to support high-quality research that complies with the Foundation’s standards for good research practice. All applicants must confirm that they will comply with these standards to be eligible for grants from the Foundation.

Links to help and guidance

Links to help and guidance

You can obtain help on and support for the functionality of Researchfish® reporting system at its website.

Help and guidance is available at all times when using the system: look for the blue “?” symbol.

View the bite-size help videos. They are the fastest way to learn more about specific aspects of the system.

An online Help Centre is also available from within Researchfish®, with frequently asked questions, context-sensitive enquiry functionality and live chat available from 9:00 to 17:00, Monday–Friday, London time.

Researchfish® Ltd hosts regular webinars for both principal investigators and research organizations to learn how to use the system or examine specific functions in more detail. New users are encouraged to sign up for these free short sessions.

If you have questions related to your grant, please e-mail [email protected].

If you have issues with Researchfish® (such as technical issues), please e-mail [email protected].



Why do reporting activities and results matter to me?

The Novo Nordisk Foundation uses the Researchfish® reporting system to collect data on the activities and results related to the funded research. The Foundation harmonizes the framework of the research outcomes across the full spectrum of the academic disciplines the Foundation supports (from the medical and biological sciences to arts and the humanities). The Foundation uses the data to gain insights into the effects of the grants and for sharing the results with society as part of an open and transparent approach.

Will the Foundation impose any sanctions if data are not submitted?

Yes. The Foundation’s policy is that submitting data in the reporting system is mandatory, and funding can be withheld and may be withdrawn if researchers do not complete the reporting.

Can any preparatory work be done to prepare data for input?

Yes. Journals provide a digital object identifier (DOI) for each article. The reporting system allows you to bulk upload 200 journal article entries at a time simply by listing their DOIs (or PubMed IDs). You only need to enter once and then attribute it to multiple or single grants by a drag-and-drop process.

How can I learn more about the Researchfish® reporting system?

You can look at the video and frequently asked questions in the help section of the Researchfish® website. This will give you an idea of the current Researchfish® processes, and you can also attend the webinars advertised on the Researchfish® website.


Introduction to using Foundgood - webinar

Webinar: using FoundGood to report to the Novo Nordisk Foundation

In the spring of 2020 the Novo Nordisk Foundation introduced our new reporting system Foundgood for our initiatives within Innovation, Education, Outreach, Social and Humanitarian areas. Generally, the platform has been very well received and is today used by more than 200 Novo Nordisk Foundation projects.

As we continuously develop the platform and benefit from good user feedback, we in the Novo Nordisk Foundation would like to share these learnings. We have therefore hosted two webinars during the month of December about our reporting platform Foundgood. A recording of the webinar can be found below.

On the webinar you will get:

  • An introduction to Foundgood as a reporting system
  • Insights into the Novo Nordisk Foundation experiences with the platform
  • A review of the Novo Nordisk Foundation’s expectations regarding your reporting
  • A stepwise walkthrough of how you get started with reporting to the Novo Nordisk Foundation
  • The possibility of grantees to ask questions on how to use Foundgood to report on their grant activities to the Novo Nordisk foundation.

Slides from December webinar (English version): Foundgood Webinar Dec 2023

Video of webinar introducing Foundgood – December 2023 (English version):

Introduction to using Foundgood - Research infrastructure webinar

Webinar: Using FoundGood to report on your research infrastructure grant from the Novo Nordisk Foundation

In the fall of 2022 the Novo Nordisk Foundation moved all of the research infrastructure grants to FoundGood, as its format can be tailored to the research infrastructure grants. In line with this change, the foundation hosted 2 webinars to help grantees understand FoundGood better. Below you can find a recording from one of these webinars.

FoundGood webinar for research infrastructure grants – December 2022:

Guidance to reporting

Guidance to reporting

In the Novo Nordisk Foundation, we strive to fund initiatives that can have an impact, and we care about learning from evaluations about what works or what does not work. We continuously use data from Foundgood to gain insights, report to management and the Board of Directors, and to deliver transparency towards the public.

Your reporting is crucial to us. The data that you report is both reviewed by scientific officers at NNF and used aggregately with other grant data to display the impact of the Novo Nordisk Foundation for public research and society.

Entering and updating your data. You may enter data at any time, and we advise you to update your report(s) throughout the year. And further, if appropriate, please provide updates to your commentary on the impact of outcomes previously reported.

The foundation has constructed a guide which captures all elements of the reporting. It can be accessed here: Reporting protocol

Principles of use for data submitted to the Foundation's reporting system

Principles of use for data submitted to the Foundation’s reporting system

All researchers funded by the Foundation are required to provide an annual update on the research activities and results deriving from their Foundation-funded research. The Foundation uses these data to enhance and strengthen evidence and accountability. Further, the Foundation uses these data to support strategic decision-making and to evaluate progress and impact.

The principles of use relate to the research funded by the Foundation and outline what types of data are collected. In addition, the principles of use provide information on how the Foundation will use the data.

By agreeing to these principles of use and by submitting data into Foundgood, you have explicitly consented to your data being processed by the Foundation and stored in the reporting system and the Foundation’s associated internal systemsMoreover, by submitting data, you formally confirm that the currently attributed activities and results represent a full and up-to-date record for the grant.

You are required to submit data

Researchers funded by the Foundation – principal investigators, unit programme leaders, fellows and, if appropriate, students – are required to have an account in Foundgood and to use it to provide these updates annually during the grant periods and usually for 3–5 years after the project has ended.

The Foundation may require an update to a grant outside the annual submission period to consolidate specific evaluations. The Foundation will notify researchers of these requirements.

The Foundation is aware that the recipients of relatively recent Foundation grants may not have any activity and results to report in the first annual submission.


All researchers funded by the Foundation are required to provide an annual update on the research activities and results deriving from their Foundation-funded research.

If the annual update is not submitted, the Foundation may apply the following sanctions.

  • The researcher may be unable to apply (either as a principal investigator or as a co-investigator) for further grants from the Foundation.
  • If the grant is still active further payments for the grant may be withheld.

What data are collected?

The Foundation uses the Foundgood to collect data on activities and results. This includes both quantitative and qualitative information such as publications, collaborations, influence on policy, databases and models.

Foundgood presents a question set (under “How to use the Foundation’s reporting system – FoundGood” ). Moreover, guidance on completing the questions is available throughout.

You are advised to ensure that you do not disclose data that is commercially sensitive or personal or that might be considered confidential or defamatory.

What do we do with the data?

Information provided to the Foundation may be used:

  • to strengthen accountability for research funding decisions;
  • to make the case for funding in research;
  • to inform strategic decision-making;
  • to inform the public on research results and other outcomes;
  • to evaluate progress and effects; and
  • to improve the understanding and interest in research.

To support these aims, the information you provide may be used, in whole or in part, to support analyses and evaluation, case studies, data sets and publications. Please be aware that the activities and results, including the text you submit to the Foundation via Foundgood, may be quoted, in full or in part.

By submitting data to the Foundation you consent to this use, publication and dissemination of activities and results.

The Foundation analyses the submitted activities and results for its annual report on the societal impact of the Foundation’s grants as well as for other external and internal Foundation reports.

Data concerning your grant or grants collected through the Foundation’s reporting system may also be returned to the research organizations holding Foundation-funded grants to which you have allocated these activities and results. Contact your local administrator for guidance on how your organization will use this information.

Data might be handed over to third parties either for processing of data on behalf of the Foundation or to researchers for research purpose. Personal data will be processed in accordance with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Danish Act on Data Protection and Personal Data.

In addition, some of the information you provide is published on the Foundation’s website to ensure that the outcomes of Foundation-funded research are accessible to the research community, companies, policy-makers and the public.

The Foundation’s website provides data on Foundation-funded grants, including:

  • the names of the investigators and research organizations;
  • the project title;
  • the total value of the grant(s); and
  • the output and outcome of Foundation grants.

The website is publicly available.

It is vital that researchers return information to us on the activities and results from their Foundation-funded projects so that the Foundation can understand the impact of the research in the longer term, demonstrating the contribution to society and the economy. In turn, this will facilitate strategic decision-making and future investment. Systematically collected data on research activities and results provide a strong evidence base to support the continued funding of research.

Personal data

The Foundgood reporting system holds information about grants that is extracted from the Foundation’s research management systems. This includes a limited selection of personal data: name, e-mail and the name of the research organization holding the grant (which may be your employer). This information is managed in accordance with the General Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the principles of the Danish Act on Data Protection and used with the data on research activities and results you enter into the reporting system:

  • to operate the reporting system, including notifying you of changes to the system, system downtime and deadlines for submitting information on activities and results;
  • to report to employers and research organizations on progress in gathering data on activities and results; and
  • to manage the Foundation’s policy on compliance and sanctions.

You can request changes in any  details displayed in the system by contacting the Foundation or Foundgood directly at [email protected]. If you want to change the e-mail address the Foundation currently uses to contact you, you must update your details by contacting the Foundation.

Foundgood provides guidance on completing the questions throughout the reporting system. Since the data you submit to the Foundation via Foundgood may be published, you should avoid specifically identifying individuals involved in the work unless this information is already in the public domain (such as the names of co-authors listed on publications) or if you have specific consent from the researchers to send their positions, names and e-mail addresses to the Foundation. The positions, names and e-mail addresses of team members will not be published. You are also advised to ensure that you do not disclose data that are commercially sensitive, that might be considered confidential in some other way or is defamatory. The Foundation will not be held responsible for any such disclosure or the effects of this.

Privacy policy

Please find the Novo Nordisk Foundation’s policies on privacy:

Declaration of consent


Links to help and guidance

Links to help and guidance

You can obtain help on and support for the functionality of Foundgood reporting system at its website.

The foundation hosts annual webinars before the big january deadline, for both principal investigators and research organizations to learn how to use the system or examine specific functions in more detail. New users are encouraged to sign up for these free short sessions.

If you have questions related to your grant or notice an error in the configuration of your grant (end/start date, name, amount granted) please e-mail [email protected].

If you have issues with Foundgood (such as technical issues), please e-mail [email protected]

If you need help accessing Foundgood, please email [email protected]


Why do reporting activities and results matter to me?

The Novo Nordisk Foundation uses the Foundgood reporting system to collect data on the activities and results related to the funded research. The Foundation harmonizes the framework of the research outcomes across the full spectrum of the academic disciplines the Foundation supports (from the medical and biological sciences to arts and the humanities). The Foundation uses the data to gain insights into the effects of the grants and for sharing the results with society as part of an open and transparent approach.

Will the Foundation impose any sanctions if data are not submitted?

Yes. The Foundation’s policy is that submitting data in the reporting system is mandatory, and funding can be withheld and may be withdrawn if researchers do not complete the reporting.

Can any preparatory work be done to prepare data for input?

Yes. Foundgood allows you to enter “initaitive data” at any point in time. This means you can register information about your institution, other funders, etc before any reports. You will then be able to provide updates to this information in your reports.