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More after-school science for children and young adults in Denmark

Photo: Lars Svankjær

The Novo Nordisk Foundation has awarded a grant of DKK 30 million to Science Club Denmark. The grants will enable Science Club Denmark to offer natural science after-school programmes to children and young adults in almost all of Denmark’s municipalities. The programmes will be offered about 3,000 children and young adults each year by 2028.

Science Club Denmark’s work to increase the interest of children and young adults in the natural sciences can continue for the next 5 years. The Novo Nordisk Foundation has extended its support for the initiative by awarding a grant of DKK 30 million.

This grant will enable Science Club Denmark to significantly expand its after-school programmes. Today, 41 municipalities are running programmes, but there is potential – and demand – for further expansion. The new grant runs over the next 5 years, and during this time Science Club programmes are expected to reach the 91 municipalities in Denmark that have an upper-secondary school.

“Science Club Denmark enables children and young adults to carry out research and learn about science together with new friends and peer role models. We would like to contribute to enabling even more children and young adults to have the opportunity to develop their curiosity for and interest in science in this way,” says Berith Bjørnholm, Senior Vice President, Education & Outreach, Novo Nordisk Foundation.

Many more participants each year
Science Club Denmark has grown tremendously in recent years, and more than 5,000 children and young adults have had the opportunity to study science after school. The number of participants and the waiting list is increasing exponentially each year. In 2022, 500 children were on the waiting list.

The Foundation has supported Science Club Denmark since 2018 when it. awarded DKK 15.8 million to ensure that the initiative could expand from offering programmes in a few municipalities to having programmes in 41 municipalities throughout Denmark. In 2022, 1,100 children and young adults participated, and in 2023 this number will grow to just over 1,500.

“I can scarcely describe the importance of the support provided by the Foundation. We are now much better able to implement all our great plans and ambitions,” says Rikke Schmidt Kjærgaard, CEO, Science Club Denmark.

Based on the grant from the Foundation, Science Club Denmark will also work to create an international conference within the after-school communities of children and young adults to share knowledge and experience with other stakeholders and organisations in this field.

About Science Club Denmark (Videnskabsklubben)
The after-school programmes of Science Club Denmark are held annually from about 23 October to 8 December at upper-secondary schools throughout Denmark. Students in grades 4–6 (mini-scientists) attend the after-school science programmes one afternoon a week, similar to the scope of other after-school activities such as scouting, football or dancing. Students in grades 7–9 can become junior mentors. Read about Science Club Denmark here.

Further information

Christian Mostrup
Director, Public Relations
+45 3067 4805 [email protected]