On Monday, this year’s winner of the Novo Nordisk Prize, Professor Søren Molin, the Technical University of Denmark, gave a prize lecture to colleagues and friends on the occasion of the awarding of the Prize.
An audience of about 100 people honored the prize winner and heard him give a half hour presentation on his research. At the afterwards reception, many took the opportunity to congratulate the prize winner personally.
Søren Molin was overwhelmed by the interest:
– For me, the lecture was an academic height, where I had the opportunity to communicate the ideas and thoughts that have been behind the projects I have been responsible for through many years of scientific work. But first and foremost, it was a really great pleasure to meet a lot of current and former employees and colleagues who have contributed directly and indirectly to the activities that are now honored with this prestigious award, said Søren Molin.
Søren Molin was awarded the Prize for his decades of systematic and original research, which has clarified how bacterial biofilms form and has identified their roles in infection processes.
The award ceremony will take place on May 3.
Professor Jan Fahrenkrug, Chair of the Prize Committee, motivated the selection of Søren Molin as this year’s prize winner, before the main character took center stage himself.