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Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Genomic Mechanisms of Disease

With a USD 47.5 million commitment over a five-year period, the Foundation supported the establishment of a centre for genomic research at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard in Boston (US).

Project data

Grant amount
USD 47.5 million

A key activity of the center is to launch and facilitate close collaborations between the Broad Institute and researchers at Danish universities, with initial focus on understanding type 2 diabetes and obesity and mapping human gene regulation.

By exploring human gene regulation in connection with common complex diseases, e.g. through computer modelling, the aim is to pave the way for better diagnostics, improved treatments, and the development of precision medicine. The center aligns with existing international efforts, sharing data, methodology, and tools to contribute to the roadmap of the International Common Disease Alliance.

Research is carried out at the Broad Institute and at Danish institutions, with exchange of scientists and dedicated training programmes for Danish researchers. The ambition is to help nourish and develop the next generation of talented Danish researchers and clinicians by giving them access to the Broad Institute’s unique technology platforms and expertise in genomic technologies, gene regulation, and data science.

Read more here.