The main applicant must be a registered nurse and be occupied with nursing research. The main applicant must be affiliated with and present at a Danish university, hospital or other non-profit research institution at which the research project must be anchored.
Please note, as this grant cannot cover salary of the grantee, the applicant must be guaranteed his or her own salary for the entire applied project period.
The project can be an independent project, delimited project or a clearly defined part of a larger, running project, e.g. in relation to a PhD scholarship or postdoc fellowship in nursing research. In case of the latter, the larger project and its full budget must be described in the application.
A total of DKK 3 million is available for funding of: 1-, 2- and 3-year project grants within the frame of DKK 50,000-200,000 per budget year. The total amount applied for must be within the frame from DKK 50,000 and up to DKK 600,000.
Please note, that applications outside this budget frame will not be considered.
Application process
It is important, that the applicant carefully reads the 2024 updated version of “Information and Guidelines for Applicants – Project Grants in Nursing Research 2024” before initiating the application process, as this document contains the complete call as well as detailed instructions for the application process.