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Events og symposier

Conference: The Automated Scientist – the future of cell factory engineering

11. marts 2024 - 15. marts 2024


Over the next decade, we will increasingly see the design and learn process being automated through artificial intelligence, thus laying the foundation for the automated scientist. This conference will see thought leaders from academia and industry introduce recent advances and future directions in the field.


The programme starts at 4:30 pm on Monday, 11 March 2024 and ends Friday, 15 March 2024 with checkout at 9:00 am.

How to apply?

Our conferences has no application fees – registration is free.

Please note that the Novo Nordisk Foundation Science Cluster Conferences offers exclusive opportunities to network in an intimate setting with a carefully selected, limited body of participants. Allocation of seats at this conference takes place through a selection process through which our Scientific Committee chooses the best candidates for the conference. If you get accepted for the conference, your participation (excluding travels) is covered by the Novo Nordisk Foundation. We expect all participants and speakers to actively take part in the full duration of the conference.

The call is now open: Oxford Abstracts

If you wish to attend our conference, you will need to apply and submit an abstract* in our application system: Oxford Abstracts

  • If you have not used the system before, click REGISTER to create an account.
  • You will then receive a mail with which you can login.
  • When you have logged in, you can apply to the conference under the name: The Automated Scientist – the future of cell factory engineering
  • Please fill out applicant info and abstract.

*If you are from industry or if, for another reason, it does not make sense for you to submit an abstract, you can apply with a motivation instead. Our scientific committee will evaluate your relevance for the conference based on your motivation.

All accepted participants will be expected to present a poster at the conference.

When can I apply: Call opens 7 September 2023

Abstract submission: The application deadline is 21 November 2023

Evaluation of incoming applications: Early December 2023

Notifications to applicants: Medio December 2023

SHORT TALKS: Some applicants will be invited to give a short talk during the conference based on their submitted abstract. Selected applicants will be notified in the autumn of 2023.

Registration fee, accommodation and local costs for all approved applicants are covered by the Novo Nordisk Foundation. Only travel expenses to and from the conference venue will be at your own expense.

For more practical details about the conferences, please click here.



Adam L. Meadows


Andrew Ferguson


Barbara Ribeiro

SKEMA Business School

Bernhard Palsson

University of California, San Diego

Chueh Loo Poh

National University Singapore

Darren Platt

Montage Bio

Daniel Goodwin

Homeworld Collective

Elise de Reus


Evelyn Travnik

The Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Biosustainability (DTU Biosustain)

Huimin Zhao

University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Hyun Uk Kim

Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)

Isabel Rocha

Universidade NOVA de Lisboa SilicoLife

Kathy Wei

310 AI

Michelle Lee

Nathan Hillson

Agile Biofoundry, Department Head of BioDesign at Berkeley Lab

Peter Kelly

Align to Innovate

Ross King

University of Cambridge

Sidsel Nag


Will Serber

Gingko Bioworks

  • Dato
    16:30 - 09:00
  • Tilmeldingsfrist
    11. marts 2024
  • Hvem kan deltage
    Open to all
  • Type
  • Contact person
    Malene Bering Beitzel
    [email protected]
  • Website