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Novo Nordisk Prize 2025 Nomination Form


Douglas Oliveira
Scientific Manager
+45 2339 3331

The 2025 Novo Nordisk Prize will recognize an active scientist for her/his excellent research, inspirational leadership and mentoring, leading to a major discovery or breakthrough in biomedical science. The prize is intended to award and further support biomedical research in Europe.

Deadline for nomination: 14 August 2024


  • Nominees must demonstrate scientific excellence that has led to a major discovery or breakthrough in understanding of human health and disease, prevention, diagnosis and/or treatment of the disease.
  • Nominees must have a current position and an active research program at a public, non-profit research institution and/or in a company based in a European country.
  • Nominees must serve as inspirational leaders and role models for young scientists.
  • Nominees may have any nationalities.
  • Nominators (individual or institution) are not limited in number of nominations.


  • Self-nominations are not accepted
  • Nominators cannot be family members
  • The prize may not be awarded to members of the Novo Nordisk Foundation Board or committee members or to Board members, directors or employees of the Novo Group.

The nomination and review processes are confidential.

The Novo Nordisk Prize Awardee will be announced in April 2025.

More information about the Novo Nordisk Prize and previous awardees can be found here.


*Required fields.

Novo Nordisk Prize 2025 - nomination

The Novo Nordisk Prize recognizes an active scientist for her/his excellent research, inspirational leadership and mentoring, leading to a major discovery or breakthrough in biomedical science. The Prize is intended to award and further support biomedical research in Europe.

"*" indikerer påkrævede felter


Nominator represents the aforementioned organization.

Who are you nominating?

Self-nominations are not accepted. Nominators cannot be family members. The prize may not be awarded to members of the Novo Nordisk Foundation Board or committee members or to Board members, directors or employees of the Novo Group.
Maximum 250 words. Overview that encapsulates the nominee’s scientific contributions, their dedication to the mentorship and development of emerging scientists, and the impact of their work on the field of biomedical science. While it is not mandatory to address all aspects mentioned, we welcome you to use this space freely to highlight the nominee's strengths and unique qualifications.
I hereby accept to nominate the above mentioned candidate and share the information with the Novo Nordisk Foundation