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Challenge 2024 Workshop – Novel or emerging technologies for sustainable and continuous energy supply

25. september 2023


On Monday 25 September 2023 the Novo Nordisk Foundation will host a workshop with the aim of bringing together the research community for an exciting day of knowledge sharing and networking, with the ambition to facilitate research partnerships and lay the seeds for realising creative solutions and new technologies within the 2024 Challenge theme: Novel or emerging technologies for sustainable and continuous energy supply.

At the workshop there will be exciting invited and contributed talks as well as a poster session and participants can enjoy nice food and networking.

2024 Challenge: Novel or emerging technologies for sustainable and continuous energy supply

The Challenge is to research and develop novel or emerging technologies for sustainable and continuous energy supply, complementing intermittent energy supply forms, thereby contributing to a decarbonised and secure energy system in the future.

The Challenge calls for interdisciplinary collaboration between physics, chemistry, engineering, energy planning, modelling, and materials science. The research could target fundamental understanding of controlled energy production based on nuclear reactions, the development of enabling technologies providing sustainable, continuous, safe, and robust energy production, or it could address technologies for energy storage across relevant timescales. The successful research plan should include a systematic assessment of the pros and cons of the proposed research or developing technology relative to other types of sustainable energy production, and the project should also contain a plan for university-level educational activities and public outreach.

LINK to the 2024 Challenge Call and the Guidelines.


For mere information

Pernille Julø Risegaard
Senior Manager, PA
+45 3527 6603 [email protected]
Kasper Nørgaard
Scientific Director, Natural and Technical Sciences, PhD
+45 3023 1552 [email protected]
  • Tilmeldingsfrist
    18. september 2023
  • Hvem kan deltage
  • Lokation
    Novo Nordisk Foundation, Tuborg Havnevej 19, 2900 Hellerup