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Project Grants in the Natural and Technical Sciences 2023

Call opens
17 May 2023
Call closes
6 September 2023 2:00pm (CEST)
Announcement of results
December 2023
Recurring calls
Expected June 2024
Application guidelines


The objective of this call is to promote Danish fundamental research at the highest international level within the natural and technical sciences, particularly for projects with potential interdisciplinary applications within life science, health science, or sustainability.

About the grants


Up to DKK 3 million per project




Komite for Natur og Tekniske Videnskaber


For grant inquiries
Kasper Nørgaard
Scientific Director, PhD
[email protected]
Rikke Stefansen
Grant Manager
[email protected]

Areas of support

The call supports fundamental research within many fields of the natural and technical sciences, including – but not limited to – physics, chemistry, mathematics, computer science, and technical sciences. See more details on support areas in section 1.2 of our guidelines.

The application must describe how the outcome of the project may have potential future applications within life science, health science, or sustainability.


Who: Principal investigators with a minimum 80% affiliation to the administrating Danish research institution are eligible to apply. As this grant cannot cover salary of the grantee, the applicant must be guaranteed his or her own salary for the entire applied project period.

Where: The research activities applied for must be anchored at a university or other non-profit research institution in Denmark.

What: The application must describe a clearly defined research project with an appropriate budget.

Applications from PhD students will not be taken into consideration.


Applicants may apply for between DKK 300,000 and DKK 1 million per budget year for projects with a grant period of 1 – 3 years. Funds can be unevenly distributed over the project period; however, the total budget frame must be within DKK 300,000 – 3 million, correlating with the number of project years. The grant can be extended to 4 years if used to cover a 4-year PhD fellowship, however, with a maximum total budget of DKK 3 million.

A grant capital of DKK 60 million is available in 2023.


Applicants should read the Information and Guidelines for Applicants – Project Grants in the Natural and Technical Sciences 2023 carefully before initiating the application process. Section 1 contains the complete call text and section 3 contains detailed instructions and important requirements for the content of the application.

Applications are evaluated by the Foundation’s Committee for the Natural and Technical Sciences.

Grant listings

All the projects we have funded are listed here. You can customise your search by grant year and category and use free text search.

Managing a grant

Read more about how to manage a grant and what general information you need as a grant holder.